Source code for cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_tidy

"""Parse output from clang-tidy's stdout"""

import json
import os
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
import re
import subprocess
from typing import Tuple, Union, List, cast, Optional, Dict, Set
from ..loggers import logger
from ..common_fs import FileObj
from .patcher import PatchMixin, ReviewComments, Suggestion

NOTE_HEADER = re.compile(r"^(.+):(\d+):(\d+):\s(\w+):(.*)\[([a-zA-Z\d\-\.]+)\]$")
FIXED_NOTE = re.compile(r"^.+:(\d+):\d+:\snote: FIX-IT applied suggested code changes$")

[docs] class TidyNotification: """Create a object that decodes info from the clang-tidy output's initial line that details a specific notification. :param notification_line: The first line in the notification parsed into a `tuple` of `str` that represent the different components of the notification's details. :param database: The compilation database deserialized from JSON, only if :std:option:`--database` argument points to a valid path containing a ``compile_commands.json file``. """ def __init__( self, notification_line: Tuple[str, Union[int, str], Union[int, str], str, str, str], database: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None, ): # logger.debug("Creating tidy note from line %s", notification_line) ( self.filename, self.line, #: The columns of the line that triggered the notification. self.cols, self.severity, self.rationale, #: The clang-tidy check that enabled the notification. self.diagnostic, ) = notification_line #: The rationale of the notification. self.rationale = self.rationale.strip() #: The priority level of notification (warning/error). self.severity = self.severity.strip() #: The line number of the source file. self.line = int(self.line) self.cols = int(self.cols) rel_path = ( Path(self.filename) .resolve() .as_posix() .replace(Path.cwd().as_posix() + "/", "") ) if not PurePath(self.filename).is_absolute() and database is not None: # get absolute path from compilation database: # This is need for meson builds as they use paths relative to # the build env (or wherever the database is usually located). for unit in database: if ( "file" in unit and "directory" in unit and unit["file"] == self.filename ): rel_path = ( Path(unit["directory"], unit["file"]) .resolve() .as_posix() .replace(Path.cwd().as_posix() + "/", "") ) break #: The source filename concerning the notification. self.filename = rel_path #: A `list` of lines for the code-block in the notification. self.fixit_lines: List[str] = [] #: A list of line numbers where a suggested fix was applied. self.applied_fixes: Set[int] = set() @property def diagnostic_link(self) -> str: """Creates a markdown link to the diagnostic documentation.""" if self.diagnostic.startswith("clang-diagnostic-"): return self.diagnostic link = f"[{self.diagnostic}](" if self.diagnostic.startswith("clang-analyzer-"): check_name_parts = self.diagnostic.split("-", maxsplit=2) assert len(check_name_parts) > 2, "diagnostic name malformed" return link + "clang-analyzer/{}.html)".format(check_name_parts[2]) return link + "{}/{}.html)".format(*self.diagnostic.split("-", maxsplit=1)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"<TidyNotification {self.filename}:{self.line}:{self.cols} " + f"{self.diagnostic}>" )
[docs] class TidyAdvice(PatchMixin): def __init__(self, notes: List[TidyNotification]) -> None: #: A buffer of the applied fixes from clang-tidy super().__init__() self.notes = notes
[docs] def diagnostics_in_range(self, start: int, end: int) -> str: """Get a markdown formatted list of fixed diagnostics found between a ``start`` and ``end`` range of lines.""" diagnostics = "" for note in self.notes: for fix_line in note.applied_fixes: if fix_line in range(start, end + 1): # range is inclusive diagnostics += f"- {note.rationale} [{note.diagnostic_link}]\n" break return diagnostics
[docs] def get_suggestion_help(self, start: int, end: int) -> str: diagnostics = self.diagnostics_in_range(start, end) prefix = super().get_suggestion_help(start, end) if diagnostics: return prefix + "diagnostics\n" + diagnostics return prefix + "suggestion\n"
[docs] def get_tool_name(self) -> str: return "clang-tidy"
[docs] def get_suggestions_from_patch( self, file_obj: FileObj, summary_only: bool, review_comments: ReviewComments ): super().get_suggestions_from_patch(file_obj, summary_only, review_comments) def _has_related_suggestion(suggestion: Suggestion) -> bool: for known in review_comments.suggestions: if known.file_name == suggestion.file_name and ( known.line_end == suggestion.line_end if known.line_start < 0 else ( known.line_start <= suggestion.line_end and known.line_end >= suggestion.line_end ) ): known.comment += f"\n{suggestion.comment}" return True return False # now check for clang-tidy warnings with no fixes applied assert isinstance(review_comments.tool_total["clang-tidy"], int) for note in self.notes: if not note.applied_fixes: # if no fix was applied line_numb = int(note.line) if not summary_only and file_obj.is_range_contained( start=line_numb, end=line_numb + 1 ): suggestion = Suggestion( suggestion.line_end = line_numb body = f"### clang-tidy diagnostic\n**{}:" body += f"{note.line}:{note.cols}:** {note.severity}: " body += f"[{note.diagnostic_link}]\n> {note.rationale}\n" if note.fixit_lines: body += f'```{Path(".")}\n' for fixit_line in note.fixit_lines: body += f"{fixit_line}\n" body += "```\n" suggestion.comment = body review_comments.tool_total["clang-tidy"] += 1 if not _has_related_suggestion(suggestion): review_comments.suggestions.append(suggestion)
[docs] def tally_tidy_advice(files: List[FileObj]) -> int: """Returns the sum of clang-format errors""" tidy_checks_failed = 0 for file_obj in files: if not file_obj.tidy_advice: continue for note in file_obj.tidy_advice.notes: if == note.filename: tidy_checks_failed += 1 else: logger.debug("%s != %s",, note.filename) return tidy_checks_failed
[docs] def run_clang_tidy( command: str, file_obj: FileObj, checks: str, lines_changed_only: int, database: str, extra_args: List[str], db_json: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]], tidy_review: bool, style: str, ) -> TidyAdvice: """Run clang-tidy on a certain file. :param command: The clang-tidy command to use (usually a resolved path). :param file_obj: Information about the `FileObj`. :param checks: The `str` of comma-separated regulate expressions that describe the desired clang-tidy checks to be enabled/configured. :param lines_changed_only: A flag that forces focus on only changes in the event's diff info. :param database: The path to the compilation database. :param extra_args: A list of extra arguments used by clang-tidy as compiler arguments. .. note:: If the list is only 1 item long and there is a space in the first item, then the list is reformed from splitting the first item by whitespace characters. .. code-block:: shell cpp-linter --extra-arg="-std=c++14 -Wall" is equivalent to .. code-block:: shell cpp-linter --extra-arg=-std=c++14 --extra-arg=-Wall :param db_json: The compilation database deserialized from JSON, only if ``database`` parameter points to a valid path containing a ``compile_commands.json file``. :param tidy_review: A flag to enable/disable creating a diff suggestion for PR review comments. """ filename ="/", os.sep) cmds = [command] if checks: cmds.append(f"-checks={checks}") if database: cmds.append("-p") cmds.append(database) line_ranges = { "name": filename, "lines": file_obj.range_of_changed_lines(lines_changed_only, get_ranges=True), } if style: cmds.extend(["--format-style", style]) if line_ranges["lines"]: #"line_filter = %s", json.dumps([line_ranges])) cmds.append(f"--line-filter={json.dumps([line_ranges])}") if len(extra_args) == 1 and " " in extra_args[0]: extra_args = extra_args[0].split() for extra_arg in extra_args: arg = extra_arg.strip('"') cmds.append(f"--extra-arg={arg}") if tidy_review: # clang-tidy overwrites the file contents when applying fixes. # create a cache of original contents original_buf = file_obj.read_with_timeout() cmds.append("--fix-errors") # include compiler-suggested fixes cmds.append(filename)'Running "%s"', " ".join(cmds)) results =, capture_output=True) logger.debug("Output from clang-tidy:\n%s", results.stdout.decode()) if results.stderr: logger.debug( "clang-tidy made the following summary:\n%s", results.stderr.decode() ) advice = parse_tidy_output(results.stdout.decode(), database=db_json) if tidy_review: # store the modified output from clang-tidy and re-write original file contents advice.patched = file_obj.read_write_with_timeout(original_buf) return advice
[docs] def parse_tidy_output( tidy_out: str, database: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] ) -> TidyAdvice: """Parse clang-tidy stdout. :param tidy_out: The stdout from clang-tidy. :param database: The compilation database deserialized from JSON, only if :std:option:`--database` argument points to a valid path containing a ``compile_commands.json file``. """ notification = None found_fix = False tidy_notes = [] for line in tidy_out.splitlines(): note_match = re.match(NOTE_HEADER, line) fixed_match = re.match(FIXED_NOTE, line) if note_match is not None: notification = TidyNotification( cast( Tuple[str, Union[int, str], Union[int, str], str, str, str], note_match.groups(), ), database, ) tidy_notes.append(notification) # begin capturing subsequent lines as part of notification details found_fix = False elif fixed_match is not None and notification is not None: notification.applied_fixes.add(int( # suspend capturing subsequent lines as they are not needed found_fix = True elif notification is not None and not found_fix: # append lines of code that are part of # the previous line's notification notification.fixit_lines.append(line) # else: line is part of the applied fix. We don't need to capture # this line because the fix has been applied to the file already. return TidyAdvice(notes=tidy_notes)