
A module to contain the abstractions about creating suggestions from a diff generated by the clang tool’s output.

class cpp_linter.clang_tools.patcher.Suggestion(file_name: str)[source]

A data structure to contain information about a single suggestion.

file_name: str

The path to the file that this suggestion pertains. This should use posix path separators.

line_start : int

The file’s line number starting the suggested change.

line_end : int

The file’s line number ending the suggested change.

file_name : str

The file’s path about the suggested change.

comment : str

The markdown comment about the suggestion.

serialize_to_github_payload() dict[str, Any][source]

Serialize this object into a JSON compatible with Github’s REST API.

class cpp_linter.clang_tools.patcher.ReviewComments[source]

A data structure to contain PR review comments from a specific clang tool.

suggestions : List[Suggestion]

The list of actual comments

tool_total : Dict[str, int | None]

The total number of concerns about a specific clang tool.

This may not equate to the length of suggestions because 1. There is no guarantee that all suggestions will fit within the PR’s diff. 2. Suggestions are a combined result of advice from both tools.

A None value means a review was not requested from the corresponding tool.

full_patch : Dict[str, str]

The full patch of all the suggestions (including those that will not fit within the diff)

merge_similar_suggestion(suggestion: Suggestion) bool[source]

Merge a given suggestion into a similar Suggestion


True if the suggestion was merged, otherwise False.

serialize_to_github_payload(tidy_version: str | None, format_version: str | None) tuple[str, list[dict[str, Any]]][source]

Serialize this object into a summary and list of comments compatible with Github’s REST API.

tidy_version: str | None

The version numbers of the clang-tidy used.

format_version: str | None

The version numbers of the clang-format used.


The returned tuple contains a brief summary (at index 0) that contains markdown text describing the summary of the review comments.

The list of suggestions (at index 1) is the serialized JSON object.

class cpp_linter.clang_tools.patcher.PatchMixin[source]

An abstract mixin that unified parsing of the suggestions into PR review comments.

patched : bytes | None

A unified diff of the applied fixes from the clang tool’s output

get_suggestion_help(start, end) str[source]

Create helpful text about what the suggestion aims to fix.

The parameters start and end are the line numbers (relative to file’s original content) encapsulating the suggestion.

get_tool_name() str[source]

A function that must be implemented by derivatives to get the clang tool’s name that generated the patched data.

get_suggestions_from_patch(file_obj: FileObj, summary_only: bool, review_comments: ReviewComments)[source]

Create a list of suggestions from the tool’s patched output.

Results are stored in the review_comments parameter (passed by reference).