
Parse output from clang-format’s XML suggestions.

class cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_format.FormatReplacement(cols: int, null_len: int, text: str)[source]

An object representing a single replacement.

cols: int

The columns number of where the suggestion starts on the line

null_len: int

The number of bytes removed by suggestion

text: str

The bytearray of the suggestion


The columns number of where the suggestion starts on the line


The number of bytes removed by suggestion


The bytearray of the suggestion

class cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_format.FormatReplacementLine(line_numb: int)[source]

An object that represents a replacement(s) for a single line.

line_numb: int

The line number of about the replacements


The line number of where the suggestion starts

replacements : List[FormatReplacement]

A list of FormatReplacement object(s) representing suggestions.

class cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_format.FormatAdvice(filename: str)[source]

A single object to represent each suggestion.

filename: str

The source file’s name for which the contents of the xml file exported by clang-tidy.


The source file that the suggestion concerns.

replaced_lines : List[FormatReplacementLine]

A list of FormatReplacementLine representing replacement(s) on a single line.

get_suggestion_help(start, end) str[source]

Create helpful text about what the suggestion aims to fix.

The parameters start and end are the line numbers (relative to file’s original content) encapsulating the suggestion.

get_tool_name() str[source]

A function that must be implemented by derivatives to get the clang tool’s name that generated the patched data.

cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_format.tally_format_advice(files: list[FileObj]) int[source]

Returns the sum of clang-format errors

cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_format.parse_format_replacements_xml(xml_out: str, file_obj: FileObj, lines_changed_only: int) FormatAdvice[source]

Parse XML output of replacements from clang-format.

xml_out: str

A string containing the XML output.

file_obj: FileObj

The source file’s info for which the contents of the xml that was exported by clang-format.

lines_changed_only: int

A flag that forces focus on only changes in the event’s diff info.

cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_format.run_clang_format(command: str, file_obj: FileObj, style: str, lines_changed_only: int, format_review: bool) FormatAdvice[source]

Run clang-format on a certain file

command: str

The clang-format command to use (usually a resolved path).

file_obj: FileObj

Information about the FileObj.

style: str

The clang-format style rules to adhere. Set this to ‘file’ to use the relative-most .clang-format configuration file.

lines_changed_only: int

A flag that forces focus on only changes in the event’s diff info.

format_review: bool

A flag to enable/disable creating a diff suggestion for PR review comments.