
Parse output from clang-tidy’s stdout

class cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_tidy.TidyNotification(notification_line: tuple[str, int | str, int | str, str, str, str], database: list[dict[str, str]] | None = None)[source]

Create a object that decodes info from the clang-tidy output’s initial line that details a specific notification.

notification_line: tuple[str, int | str, int | str, str, str, str]

The first line in the notification parsed into a tuple of str that represent the different components of the notification’s details.

database: list[dict[str, str]] | None = None

The compilation database deserialized from JSON, only if --database argument points to a valid path containing a compile_commands.json file.


The columns of the line that triggered the notification.


The rationale of the notification.


The priority level of notification (warning/error).


The line number of the source file.


The columns of the line that triggered the notification.


The source filename concerning the notification.

fixit_lines : List[str]

A list of lines for the code-block in the notification.

applied_fixes : Set[int]

A list of line numbers where a suggested fix was applied.

Creates a markdown link to the diagnostic documentation.

class cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_tidy.TidyAdvice(notes: list[TidyNotification])[source]
diagnostics_in_range(start: int, end: int) str[source]

Get a markdown formatted list of fixed diagnostics found between a start and end range of lines.

get_suggestion_help(start: int, end: int) str[source]

Create helpful text about what the suggestion aims to fix.

The parameters start and end are the line numbers (relative to file’s original content) encapsulating the suggestion.

get_tool_name() str[source]

A function that must be implemented by derivatives to get the clang tool’s name that generated the patched data.

get_suggestions_from_patch(file_obj: FileObj, summary_only: bool, review_comments: ReviewComments)[source]

Create a list of suggestions from the tool’s patched output.

Results are stored in the review_comments parameter (passed by reference).

cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_tidy.tally_tidy_advice(files: list[FileObj]) int[source]

Returns the sum of clang-format errors

cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_tidy.run_clang_tidy(command: str, file_obj: FileObj, checks: str, lines_changed_only: int, database: str, extra_args: list[str], db_json: list[dict[str, str]] | None, tidy_review: bool, style: str) TidyAdvice[source]

Run clang-tidy on a certain file.

command: str

The clang-tidy command to use (usually a resolved path).

file_obj: FileObj

Information about the FileObj.

checks: str

The str of comma-separated regulate expressions that describe the desired clang-tidy checks to be enabled/configured.

lines_changed_only: int

A flag that forces focus on only changes in the event’s diff info.

database: str

The path to the compilation database.

extra_args: list[str]

A list of extra arguments used by clang-tidy as compiler arguments.


If the list is only 1 item long and there is a space in the first item, then the list is reformed from splitting the first item by whitespace characters.

cpp-linter --extra-arg="-std=c++14 -Wall"

is equivalent to

cpp-linter --extra-arg=-std=c++14 --extra-arg=-Wall

db_json: list[dict[str, str]] | None

The compilation database deserialized from JSON, only if database parameter points to a valid path containing a compile_commands.json file.

tidy_review: bool

A flag to enable/disable creating a diff suggestion for PR review comments.

cpp_linter.clang_tools.clang_tidy.parse_tidy_output(tidy_out: str, database: list[dict[str, str]] | None) TidyAdvice[source]

Parse clang-tidy stdout.

tidy_out: str

The stdout from clang-tidy.

database: list[dict[str, str]] | None

The compilation database deserialized from JSON, only if --database argument points to a valid path containing a compile_commands.json file.