API Reference


The module containing main entrypoint function.

clang_tools.main.get_parser() ArgumentParser

Get and parser to interpret CLI args.


The main entrypoint to the CLI program.


The module that performs the installation of clang-tools.

clang_tools.install.RE_PARSE_VERSION = re.compile(b'version\\s([\\d\\.]+)', re.MULTILINE)

This pattern is designed to match only the major version number.

clang_tools.install.clang_tools_binary_url(tool: str, version: str, tag: str = 'master-67c95218') str

Assemble the URL to the binary.

tool: str

The name of the tool to download.

version: str

The version of the tool to download.

tag: str = 'master-67c95218'

The release tag used in the base URL.


The URL used to download the specified tool.

Create a symlink to the installed binary that doesn’t have the version number appended.

tool_name: str

The name of the clang-tool to symlink.

version: str

The version of the clang-tool to symlink.

install_dir: str

The installation directory to create the symlink in.

overwrite: bool = False

A flag to indicate if an existing symlink should be overwritten.

target: Path | None = None

The target executable’s path and name for which to create a symlink to. If this argument is not specified (or is None), then the target’s path and name is constructed from the tool_name, version, and install_dir parameters.

A bool describing if the symlink was created.

clang_tools.install.install_clang_tools(version: Version, tools: str, directory: str, overwrite: bool, no_progress_bar: bool) None

Wraps functions used to individually install tools.

version: Version

The version of the tools to install.

tools: str

The specify tool(s) to install.

directory: str

The installation directory.

overwrite: bool

A flag to indicate if the creation of a symlink has permission to overwrite an existing symlink.

no_progress_bar: bool

A flag used to disable the downloads’ progress bar.

clang_tools.install.install_dir_name(directory: str) str

Automate directory choosing if not explicitly specified by user.

directory: str

The directory that was manually specified in the CLI. If this was not specified, then default values are used depending on the operating system.


The install directory name (in absolute form).

clang_tools.install.install_tool(tool_name: str, version: str, directory: str, no_progress_bar: bool) bool

An abstract function that can install either clang-tidy or clang-format.

tool_name: str

The name of the clang-tool to install.

version: str

The version of the tools to install.

directory: str

The installation directory.

no_progress_bar: bool

A flag used to disable the downloads’ progress bar.


True if the binary had to be downloaded and installed. False if the binary was not downloaded but is installed in directory.

clang_tools.install.is_installed(tool_name: str, version: Version) Path | None

Detect if the specified tool is installed.

tool_name: str

The name of the specified tool.

version: Version

The specific major version to expect.


The path to the detected tool (if found), otherwise None.

clang_tools.install.move_and_chmod_bin(old_bin_name: str, new_bin_name: str, install_dir: str) None

Move download clang-tools binary and move to bin dir with right permission.

old_bin_name: str

The downloaded file’s name.

new_bin_name: str

The desired name of the file after being moved to the install_dir.

install_dir: str

The target installation directory.

clang_tools.install.uninstall_clang_tools(tools: str, version: str, directory: str)

Uninstall a clang tool of a given version.

version: str

The version of the clang-tools to remove.

directory: str

The directory from which to remove the installed clang-tools.

clang_tools.install.uninstall_tool(tool_name: str, version: str, directory: str)

Remove a specified tool of a given version.

tool_name: str

The name of the clang tool to uninstall.

version: str

The version of the clang-tools to remove.

directory: str

The directory from which to remove the installed clang-tools.


A module containing utility functions.

class clang_tools.util.Version(user_input: str)

Parse the given version string into a semantic specification.

user_input: str

The version specification as a string.

info : Tuple[int, int, int]

A tuple of integers that describes the major, minor, and patch versions. If the version string is a path, then this tuple is just 3 zeros.


The version input in string form

clang_tools.util.check_install_os() str

Identify this Operating System.


This will raise an exception if the detected OS is not supported. Please open an issue at https://github.com/cpp-linter/clang-tools-pip/issues if you encounter an unsupported OS.


A lower-case str describing the detected OS.

clang_tools.util.download_file(url: str, file_name: str, no_progress_bar: bool) str | None

Download the given file_name from the given url.

url: str

The URL to download from.

file_name: str

The file name to download.


The path to downloaded file if successful, otherwise None.

clang_tools.util.get_sha_checksum(binary_url: str) str

Fetch the SHA512 checksum corresponding to the released binary.

binary_url: str

The URL used to download the binary.


A str containing the contents of the SHA512sum file given binary_url.

clang_tools.util.verify_sha512(checksum: str, exe: bytes) bool

Verify the executable binary’s SHA512 hash matches the valid checksum.

checksum: str

The SHA512 checksum.

exe: bytes

The bytes content of the binary executable that is to be verified.


True if the exe hash matches the checksum given, otherwise False.